Monday 19 March 2012

They said it really loud, they said it on the air

We were on the radio today.

If you have the urge to listen to me blabber about good scoffs, it is here - available for this week.

Luckily, I'd forgotten about it until I woke up this morning or I would have been worrying about it all weekend.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Offally versatile

Tuesday. What do you do on Tuesdays? Well, if you are like us, you make tea then you watch telly. Last Tuesday, after a short digression where I tried to buy a £50 iPad and a not so short digression where we looked what the muscles of the eyes are called (Eggheads went and mentioned the superior rectus, what would YOU have done) we got on and decided what to have for dinner.

We sort of cheated because the meal we chose was actually from the breakfast list but once you see what it looks like, you'll wonder how anyone lived to the age of 93 if this is what he ate for BREAKFAST.

Here's more evidence of his healthy lifestyle (Grandad in the middle, Nana next to him).

Actually, what I remember about breakfasts at Grandad's house is Shredded Wheat. I loved it when he'd give us Shredded Wheat for breakfast because we never had it at home. Cereal then a walk with Bella the dog, who lived at Jill's house but Grandad walked every day.

So, liver and onions. "Liver or rissole, onions and bacon... fried mash." I tweeted that we were making liver and onions and @babybeak replied that that was what her mum had had for dinner the night before she was born so that's already a good omen right there.

Only top quality ingredients will do.


We followed a recipe from because it had Madeira in it and I went there on holiday once.

And so, we cooked.

 Do you ever have a pan of boring onions? 

Not for long!


  Jez [in response to my jokes]: "this is all great material, save it for the blog" (I think he was just trying to get me to shut up so he could get on with it.)

 No need to attempt to describe how nice this pile of onions and bacon smelled.

There was a bit too much pepper on the livers but that was my fault because Jez seasoned them and I felt left out so I seasoned them more when he was looking the other way.

 Two minutes on one side.

 Two minutes on the other.

And serve.

I remember the texture of the liver so clearly from when my mum used to cook it and I hated it. But back then I didn't like olives, coffee, marmite or anything good. Or anything apart from Branflakes for a good few years, actually, my mum took me to the doctors about that. Apparently they said to just let me keep eating them, I'd get over it. Which worked a treat, now I'll eat anything except dessicated coconut (although I still have a fondness for my vitamin fortified cereal when I need a foodcuddle*).

We forgot to do the egg, mainly because I was flapping about trying to take photographs. It would have been nice to add that as it would have given a small amount of 'not fried' seasoning to the meal. But overall it was pretty top notch and for £1 a packet of chicken livers (enough to feed 4 if you follow recipes, 2 if you eat too much like we do) it's really cheap too. I'm keen to try breadcrumbing chicken livers and frying them, I think that would be quite tasty.

Verdict: OH BOY. Grandad knew what he was on about. So much nicer than I always thought liver would be!

Alice x

*I just googled foodcuddle and apparently it's not a thing. But what I mean is like buttery crumpets on a rainy day, or the cake your grandma used to make, or a cup of tea made for you by someone else when you're knackered - you know what I mean.
